300 Piece Get Well Card
Everyone loves to get mail, especially when they aren't feeling well. Most of the students at my school created panels for a huge get well card that was glued together to create one, long accordian folded card for a very important person at school. Each panel was 6 x 6, with a 1/2" tab folded back on the left side. The tab was glued underneath the face of the card section that came before it..and so on...and so on...and so on.
If you want to make one, reinforce these ideas, especially with younger students:
1) The tab is on the LEFT. It does matter if you want all of the panels to be right side up.
2) The artwork goes on the front, and the message goes on the back.
3) The message needs to be written in the center of the back. If it extends too far, then the glued tab will cover the message.
Some students worked on these with their classroom teachers and some students made them in art class. I glued them together using a light strip of hot glue.

1) The tab is on the LEFT. It does matter if you want all of the panels to be right side up.
2) The artwork goes on the front, and the message goes on the back.
3) The message needs to be written in the center of the back. If it extends too far, then the glued tab will cover the message.
Some students worked on these with their classroom teachers and some students made them in art class. I glued them together using a light strip of hot glue.