Even though Mass MoCA is about 2 1/2 hours away, the eight students who took the trip enjoyed themselves, as did I. We were particularly moved by Pawel Wojtasik's piece in 360 degrees (projected on the walls of a round room) which "addresses the relationship between New Orleans and its surrounding waters, focusing most specifically on the effects of industry on the disappearing wetlands (blog.massmoca.org)."

We appreciated the work of Sol LeWitt, whose work will be exhibited for 25 years in its own 3 story building. Students pondered the time involved in making complex work, whether they liked the final product or not. What restores me always is the thought that - whether you like it, hate it, or are repulsed by it...whether you find it boring, exciting or incomprehensible....art displayed in a space such as Mass MoCA's is a visual Candyland, an escape from everyday life. Yeah!